August 3, 2019

Is Austin Macauley Publishers a self-publishing company?

Is Austin Macauley Publishers a self-publishing company?

Austin Macauley is yet a budding publisher, and has a long way to go.
Austin Macauley Books are listed in most Barnes and Noble book stores.
So basically because Austin Macauley sometimes offer traditional contracts and give marketing services to all their authors, they can not be classified as self-publishers.

SEO for Dummies

SEO for Dummies – Beginners Guide for Future Professionals

While Search Engine Optimization sounds like a big word, it is actually quite simple and with little effort about anyone can get a hang of it. Truthfully just knowing the basics can make a huge difference. If you want to make your career via SEO or you want to run your own small online business website or a blog site without paying an SEO service provider this is the right place for you to take the start. This step by step guide will simplify the SEO for dummies and beginners. It will teach you how to do basic SEO and digital marketing for your business and for others too. Now wasting any further time let’s dig in.