August 2021

Hypersexual Disorder, symptoms causes, and treatment

Hypersexual Disorder, symptoms causes, and treatment

Is there something such as too much sex? Can it be harmful? What counts as sex addiction? What is hypersexual disorder? Let’s learn about all this. Hypersexuality or compulsive sexual behavior refers to intense sexual emotions and sexual desires. Hypersexual Disorder is a diagnoses listed and defined by DSM-5 which is a diagnostic manual for […]

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sexual deviant

Sexual Deviant Personality Traits | Symptoms, and Types

Human sexuality extends a variety of attitudes and differs from society to culture, thus creating it hard to decide what type of sexual expression is acceptable. Sexual Deviant is defined as any individual exhibiting sexual behaviors that do not conform to the standard norms of society or culture. There has been some effort to define sexual

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