August 2019

How to Save Money For Retirement Fast

How to Save Money For Retirement Fast?

If you are here to learn to save money so that you can retire early and gain financial independence you need to have a solid plan. You need to figure out that based on your current income sources and expenses how much you can save, and if you save that much in how many years you can retire? Not happy with the outcome? Here is what you can do to save more money to change the number of years you can retire in.

Technology, Maslow’s Hierarchy

Technology, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Random Act of Kindness Day

The modern lifestyle is pacey and technology-oriented. With every passing day, we are moving away from people around us and getting consumed by technology. More and more time we are spending with our smart devices and lesser with humans in real life. Look at you right now, sitting with your smart devices, not conversing with …

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Weight Loss Tricks for Losing Weight Quickly

5 Best Weight Loss Tricks for Losing Weight Quickly

Portion control is important. Also, keep in mind that you are not eating more calories than you are burning. Good news is you do not have to give up all the sweet cravings you just have to tone them down enough that they are not hurting your body by accumulating excess fat in your body.

living place at Rent

Tips and Tricks for getting a living place at Rent

More people renting the property than buying or constructing it has caused a demand and supply imbalance thus an increase in rents of bigger cities. This makes the renting a house or apartment as competitive as applying for a job. In such difficult situations we are here to guide you towards pointers you should give attention to.

Historical Female Authors

Historical Female Authors Bleak to Bright Journey

In the 17th century, women in American were imperiled to the same lawful consequences that of witchcraft if they so much so ‘wore heels to lure a man into marriage’. By the descent of the 18th century, the new progressive American law permitted married women to own property and business in case their men were incapacitated for some reason.