5 Best Weight Loss Tricks for Losing Weight Quickly

5 Best Weight Loss Tricks for Losing Weight Quickly

There is no easy way of losing weight. Many pills and supplements are marketed for weight loss but their claims have little scientific evidence plus they pose serious health risks as side effects. Besides losing too much quickly can actually damage your health, which can result in joint pain, weakness, kidney problems, and skin problems. Therefore I encourage you to skip the shortcuts and use safe weight loss tricks. I am sharing here which are proven to give results and are safe for your health. (Yes, the title may have been a little misleading). These are the safe tricks I myself used to lose weight before my wedding.

This task needs determination, consistency, and sacrifice. But it is important for your health and thus needs to be done. However, it can be made relatively easier by making smart choices.

You lose weight by reversing the things that led to weight gain. Consuming more calories than you are burning causes weight gain. Burning more calories than you are consuming leads to losing weight. This simply means you need to do just two things to lose weight.

  1. Eat less
  2. Burn more calories

Be mindful of what you eat. Portion control is very important. Also, keep in mind that you are not eating more calories than you are burning. The good news is you do not have to give up all the sweet cravings you just have to tone them down enough that they are not hurting your body by accumulating excess fat in your body. Here is how you can do all this in a fun easy way without feeling the need to kill yourself.

how to lose weight fast in 2 weeks
Best Weight Loss Tricks

1. Keep a weight-loss food journal

Write down whatever you eat throughout the day in a diary for a week and you will start losing weight automatically. The trick is to start getting aware of how much of what you are eating per day. If you are mindful of all the calories you are consuming you automatically start to cut them down subconsciously without any conscious effort. Thus, you do not have to actually force yourself to eat less but you start getting the results. This is backed up by scientific studies. Now many impressive mobile apps are available that help you to keep track of calories consumed throughout the day. They are an important tool in losing weight.

2. Dance For Weight Loss

Dance For Weight Loss
Best Weight Loss Tricks

If you are not into boring workout routines and going for a run daily sounds too depressing to you, join a dance class. You can shake off many calories while you dance and it is so much fun. Signing up for a class will make you regular and will help you find new friends with common interests. Nowadays you can sign up for online Zomba classes that focus on weight loss and muscle strengthening. This means that people are losing weight with the help of professional trainers without even leaving home.

3. Replace your drinks with healthy ones

If you are into caffeinated or alcoholic drinks, gradually replace them with natural and healthy ones. The key is to do the transition gradually. Say you drink 4 cups of instant coffee a day. A cup of instant, coffee is loaded with many more calories (192 to be exact) than say a cup of regular coffee or decaffeinated coffee (1 calorie). Even a cup of coffee with milk and sugar has just 30 calories per cup. So you switch your cups of instant coffee with regular coffee one by one. Similarly, you can go down the fat percentage in milk you consume in daily life. Try switching to fat-burning teas.

4. Losing weight with water-based appetizers before your meals

water fasting benefits
Best Weight Loss Tricks

Add some sort of fruit salad or green salad as an appetizer before any meal. It will help you fill up before you actually start digging into your calories-loaded meal. Chop cucumbers, and tomatoes. Opt for fresh vegetable soups. You will see the results within a week or 10 days.

5. Eat in your own company

If you eat in front of a screen or with friends you are likely to eat more. You pay less attention to how much of what you are eating. Scientists suggest it’s better to eat in front of the mirror. Mirror stirs up self-consciousness in us and creates insight into our bodies. It helps you to be more mindful of what and how much you eat. Mindful eating leads to making healthier eating choices.

Losing weight is a matter of consistency, determination, and commitment. If you can stay committed and focused on all these 5 tricks you can easily lose weight very quickly. If you have found the tricks shared helpful do share them in the comment section. If you have used some other weight loss methods do share them in the comment section.

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