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Is Austin Macauley Publishers a self-publishing company?

Is Austin Macauley Publishers a self-publishing company?

Austin Macauley is yet a budding publisher, and has a long way to go.
Austin Macauley Books are listed in most Barnes and Noble book stores.
So basically because Austin Macauley sometimes offer traditional contracts and give marketing services to all their authors, they can not be classified as self-publishers.

austin macauley reviews

Austin Macauley Publishers | What I think of | Honest Review

This is an honest unpaid review of an uprising book publisher that caught my attention lately. Austin Macauley Publishers, a publishing company founded in 2006 has offices in London, Cambridge, New York, and Sharjah, and they are also opening another office in Sydney. Why write about Austin Macaulay? Before becoming a mom, I used to …

Austin Macauley Publishers | What I think of | Honest Review Read More »