Two Small Publisher I Will Recommend
Cottoage Door Press and Page Street Publishing has both been nominated as fastest growing publishing company by publishers weekly.
Here is why i recommend them.
Cottoage Door Press and Page Street Publishing has both been nominated as fastest growing publishing company by publishers weekly.
Here is why i recommend them.
The answer to this question depends on how much confidence you have in your book or writing skills, what does $8,500 mean to you, and what better use you could have of that amount? If you are turning to, She Writes Press or any other publisher that demands handsome upfront money from you, chances are
She Writes Press –Is it Worth Paying $9,500 to A Hybrid Publisher Read More »
In the 17th century, women in American were imperiled to the same lawful consequences that of witchcraft if they so much so ‘wore heels to lure a man into marriage’. By the descent of the 18th century, the new progressive American law permitted married women to own property and business in case their men were incapacitated for some reason.
Historical Female Authors Bleak to Bright Journey Read More »