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Control Fight or Flight Response Hormone Using Emotional Intelligence

Fight or flight response was one of the main survival instinct for the caveman and has helped a lot along the path of evolution but have you ever wondered is it still helpful? Sometimes, yes, it helps you to jump out of the way of a car in time when it appears out of nowhere. But have you ever had a strong emotional reaction to a situation which caused embarrassment later? Perhaps you have overreacted to a friendly critique of a colleague, maybe you didn’t show up for an exam or interview you thought you have not prepared enough for, or you might have panicked and fled out of a stressful situation.

How to Blog Like a Pro? 8 Basic Blogging Tips for Beginners

Are you a new or aspiring blogger and wish to have a blog that people will like? Do you wish to make your blog popular? Would you like to have more visitors on your blog? Are you interested in making money from your blog? Do you feel your blog is not getting the attention or traffic it deserves? Are you wondering what you are doing wrong as a blogger? Do you want to get better at blogging? Would you like to blog like a pro?

How to look beautiful without makeup naturally – 9 Beauty Hacks

Celebrities are sharing their nighttime skincare routines and beauty hacks for girls on TikTok and Youtube channels. Everybody is talking about going organic or using natural resources to replenish youth and beauty.

Harry Potter Deaths That Were Actually Suicides

Now we all know that J K Rowling has herself struggled with depression and suicidal ideation. She is a strong advocate of mental health awareness and dementors are her magical version of depression. But how much more of her experience with depression is depicted in the novel?

5 Cringe Worthy Fashion Trends College Students Follow

Let’s read through this post to make sure you don’t make these Cringe-Worthy Fashion Trends College Students follow. The college year is starting and no one is more excited than freshmen. Actually, they might be the only people on the entire planet who are excited about it. Freshmen and the people who are stocking their stores […]

I Received Blogger Recognition Award|Why It Is A Big Deal?

I am beyond a thrill to share with you that I am receiving another award! This is the second award nomination for 2019. Not bad eh? I was nominated by Chand Alpana for Kabhi fact kabhi fiction. Check out her blog post where she nominated me and shared a great story about her blogging journey […]
