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Book Review: ‘Its about time!’ by John Mabbs

This is an un-paid honest review of the inspiring book about traveling and living an adventurous life. John Mabb’s book

Why your friends should not be your wedding photographer?

We all know weddings are expensive and that’s why they rate up to the top money-making industry. Paying all those

Vanished – A mind trick she did not see coming …

Things were all going fine until I married him. I use to go to my university, come home to my

Two Small Publisher I Will Recommend

Cottoage Door Press and Page Street Publishing has both been nominated as fastest growing publishing company by publishers weekly.
Here is why i recommend them.

She Writes Press –Is it Worth Paying $9,500 to A Hybrid Publisher

The answer to this question depends on how much confidence you have in your book or writing skills, what does

StarDust Omega -Two Astrophysics Women to Repopulate Earth

Star Dust Omega 1964 Russian has beaten Americans twice in reaching space, America was not willing to take a defeat
