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Gender Inequality and Rigid Gender Roles in Nigeria
Welcome to my second post on Motivational May Series. Please check out the main post for the details and schedule
How to Save Money For Retirement Fast?
If you are here to learn to save money so that you can retire early and gain financial independence you need to have a solid plan. You need to figure out that based on your current income sources and expenses how much you can save, and if you save that much in how many years you can retire? Not happy with the outcome? Here is what you can do to save more money to change the number of years you can retire in.
Financial Independence: How to Get Rich Investing Smartly?
Financial Independence means to have enough investments with steady monthly financial outputs that it covers all your monthly expenses at a minimum.
Technology, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Random Act of Kindness Day
The modern lifestyle is pacey and technology-oriented. With every passing day, we are moving away from people around us and getting consumed by technology. More and more time we are spending with our smart devices and lesser with humans in real life. Look at you right now, sitting with your smart devices, not conversing with […]
Why Dumbledore gave Time Turner to Hermione Granger
Today we will discuss Prisoner of Azkaban, where Hermione was issued a Time Turner by the Ministry of Magic on Dumbledore’s recommendation.
Latest controversies in SEO World : Content or Promotion
So basically, Neil Patel who is one of the biggest names in SEO said in his video that the popular belief ‘content is king’ is nonsense. In response to it, another popular Youtube Channel Income School made a video that Niel has given the worst SEO advice. Ah, it’s not that often that we get […]